Hospitals & Doctors

Turkey’s Healthcare System

 It is quite interesting to observe that the healthcare system in Turkey is more modern and far more developed than most of the European countries.

Turkish government has been striving to update and modernize Turkish healthcare system for its citizens. In addition, they have done their best to open Turkish medical, thermal, spa and wellness services for foreigners. 

Turkey has already been astonishingly enjoying sophisticated infrastructural elements in its healthcare system. When we look into Turkish healthcare system, we see that Turkish doctors are keeping up with the most up-to-the date contemporary developments in medical field. Turkish universities are well equipped and also majority of professionals get complementary education outside Turkey.

As Turkey has been on path of becoming a full member of the European Union for the last several decades, both private and government healthcare institutions have been conducting strict implementation of quality, technical and medical standards in medical, thermal, spa and wellness fields in Turkey. 

Turkish healthcare system is highly efficient also because all dimensions of the system are regularly and constantly monitored and controlled by independent observers set by the Turkish Ministry of Health. The Health Ministry of Turkey, together with the Independent Turkish Medical Associations set the guidelines and standards in accordance with the international norms. All of the medical regulations and standards are closely learned, internalized and followed by doctors, administrative organs, clinics, hospitals, healthcare facilities, medical practitioners, thermal centers, spa companies, wellness centers in Turkey.

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